
Our DMAP Offering: Galaxy Private

Our Dedicated Managed Account Platform, Galaxy Private, can address immediate and expanding needs of asset owners. Our DMAP provides full structural and operational support that allows the asset owner to see, on a daily basis, granular details related to the underlying investments. Risk, guideline monitoring, and performance attribution are all reported on a daily basis.


Designed for the investor that wants the benefits of a traditional managed account, with the protection of limited liability.

Our DMAP offering, Galaxy Private, is designed for an investor to act as the sponsor of their own fund, while being able to leverage tools and resources to maximize efficiency. While some investors may have historically accomplished this through a managed account, Galaxy Private avoids a fundamental flaw that other managed accounts share: lack of protection. A traditional managed account is just an agreement and therefore does not have the benefits of limited liability– meaning the investor assumes all risk if an advisor loses their money and more. The ring-fenced structure of the Galaxy Private Platform gives the investor the benefit of only losing what they have invested and no more. 

Dedicated Account Representatives

Customizable Reporting Templates

Distinctive Benefits Over Traditional Managed accounts

Contact Us

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330 S Naperville Rd, Suite 206, Wheaton, IL 60187
+1 (630) 593 3613

This website contains information about managed futures as well as other alternative investment products and has been designed to provide an overview of the various strategies available on the Platform. Users who access information on this site agree that they have experience with futures markets, and other alternative investment products and are knowledgeable about the risks associated with those products.

New Hyde Park Alternative Funds, LLC, is the sponsor of the Galaxy Plus Fund, LLC; Galaxy Plus Hedge Fund, LLC; and GP Digital Assets Trust. Through the associated Platforms, New Hyde Park Alternative Funds, LLC provides access to products available to investors who meet the suitability requirements.

An investment into any fund or product is speculative and involves a high degree of risk. The past performance results of any fund, product, or its trading advisor are not indicative of how they will perform in future.
